Like a plant who needs water, light and minerals to survive the human body wich is made of billions of cells needs certain ailments like fiber, water,proteine ect..to be well feed!!!
Only in this case will the body NOT hold what it doesn’t need thus an increase of weight; wich explains how a person can eat once a day(lunch for exemple) and have a quick salad or
or fruit at night and see her weight increase , the boday simply is lacking what it NEEDS.
The difference between a Nutrition program and a diet is that in the first case one learn how to eat!,and very important that roller coaster phenomena(weight)that we see after
some very restricting diets disapears.
Very fast during this program a person can observe some changes as :
– A lessening of sugar , chocolate , ect.. cravings.
– More energy.
– More bowel mouvements , wich means one eliminates better.
– Less bloated after meals.
– More thirst.
– A lessening of weight, and not just on the face , as well as some other positive aspects.
This program is mainly for three type of persons ; those who simply want to learn how to eat,those who want to lose weight, and those who want to gain weight.
One can expect to lose a kilogram per week with this program.
Possible reembursment by most complementary health insurances providing you have a prescription form your doctor for a medical reason, sucha us dad dijestion,cholesterol
problem ect..(that is between you and your doctor).
Those suffering from acute dijestive problems should consult a dieteticien, wich is Switzerland is a medical training approach .